Welcome to the Countryhouse Community at Fearrington Village
We hope you will enjoy our beautiful, welcoming, and responsibly managed community! This quick introduction to Countryhouse and Fearrington Village should help you understand and navigate living well in Countryhouse and the Village.
Living in Countryhouse

Homeowners in Countryhouse are members of TWO Homeowners Associations (HOAs)—One for our Countryhouse Community, and the other for Fearrington Village. Both collect assessments to cover maintenance and other operating and capital expenses—Countryhouse monthly, and the FHA (Fearrington Homeowners Association) annually. Both have covenants and other governing documents and guidelines that assist all members to live in harmony.
Connecting through your Countryhouse HOA Management Portal (AppFolio): In addition to the wealth of information here on the Countryhouse website, you will want to register for the Countryhouse Homeowners portal at Mill House Properties (AppFolio) where you can:
- pay/review your monthly dues
- submit maintenance requests (including landscaping and trees) and architectural requests
- access the property manager community calendar
- access shared community documents such as monthly meeting agendas, minutes, and community reports—as well as other project and service documents
Countryhouse Service Group V (CSG) is your Townhome HOA

Countryhouse Service Group (CSG) is the HOA for the 201 Countryhouse townhomes within Fearrington Village from unit numbers 301 to 503.
The Countryhouse Board of Directors is an elected group of volunteer residents who work collaboratively to provide short- and long-term strategic planning, financial planning, community services, operations, and oversight, and communication and engagement among residents. Your current board and committee chairs are listed under the “Board and Committees” menu, and we welcome your input at questions@countryhousehoa.org
Community/Board Meetings are held monthly, on the third Tuesday of the month, at 9:30 am at the Gathering Place. We encourage residents to attend the monthly meetings to learn more about the community and share their input. The Agenda and the Committee, Finance, and Management Reports are distributed monthly by email ahead of the meeting, and the meeting minutes are distributed monthly by email afterwards.
Countryhouse Management Company: The Countryhouse Community engages the services of Mill House Properties management company to manage the collection of dues, facilitate and track maintenance/repair, landscaping, tree, and architectural requests, and manage other operational issues. They work collaboratively with and under the oversight of the Countryhouse Board of Directors. Contact information for the Board and Millhouse Properties is listed here and on the “Contact” menu. (questions@countryhousehoa.org / 919-448-5150)
Register your Countryhouse Homeowner Account by contacting Mill House Properties. They will help you register for the AppFolio portal, a user-friendly electronic way for you to pay your dues, submit work requests, and have access to important Countryhouse information. It’s important to keep your email address (and mailing addresses) up to date in the Countryhouse (Mill House) system, as well as with the Fearrington Homeowners Association (FHA) to ensure you receive important community information. You can register online directly at: https://millhousehoa.appfolio.com/connect/users/sign_in
Countryhouse Dues for 2025 are $424 per month. The services covered include trash and recycling services, and many aspects of landscaping and maintenance, including repair and replacement of siding, roofs, and garages.
Homeowners Guide: Homeowners also have responsibility for some maintenance and various other responsibilities not covered by the CSG—for more detailed information of “who is responsible for what” see the Homeowners’ Guide menu on this page.
Maintenance and Repairs to most of the exterior of your home and your garage are the responsibility of the CSG. Homeowners must contact the Countryhouse management company, Mill House Properties, to request any repairs, preferably through the website portal (AppFolio), or by email at questions@countryhousehoa.org, or by calling (919-448-5150). Repairs contracted by the homeowner will not be reimbursed after the fact. Please see the Homeowners’ Guide for a Responsibility Chart that provides further details.
Countryhouse Landscaping: Our current landscaping vendor works on a rotational basis covering the 201 homes and common areas in Countryhouse. Any homeowner with a landscaping need or concern should make a request through the Countryhouse management company, Mill House Properties, preferably through the website portal (AppFolio), or by email at questions@countryhousehoa.org, or by calling (919-448-5150). Residents are not to make requests or give directions to our landscaping crew, who have been contracted to provide specific services at specific times for all Countryhouse. Only the Landscaping Committee and Board can assign approved requests to the landscaping crew, and they will complete the work when they reach that property in the next rotation unless it is of a more urgent nature (e.g., storm damage).
Fearrington Homeowners Association is your Fearrington Village HOA

You can also learn more about the Fearrington community overall by visiting the Fearrington HOA website (https://fearringtonfha.org) and by registering for Town Square (Fearrington Homeowners portal).
- The website for all Fearrington Village residents is https://www.fearringtonfha.org. This contains a lot of helpful information on life in Fearrington. You can request a log in at the top of the site. A helpful summary of particular interests for new residents can be found at INFO / FEARRINGTON 101. To be added to the directory, choose DIRECTORY, and then NEW
For Renters

- As residents, renters can get to know the community and stay aware of events and issues by also registering for AppFolio (for Countryhouse) and Town Square (for FHA). You can also find governing documents and important event and community information at the Countryhouse website (www.countryhousehoa.org) and the Fearrington Homeowners Association (FHA) website (www.fearringtonfha.org).
- Contact Mill House Properties (919-448-5150 or hoa@millhouseproperties.com) to find out how to register as a renter on AppFolio. Contact HRW (919-787-9000 or customercare@hrw.net) to find out how to register as a renter on Town Square at www.townsq.io.
- Renters may also contact the FHA so that they can be listed in the FHA Directory and receive FHA materials, including the monthly FHA newsletter. On the FHA website (https://fearringtonfha.org) go to DIRECTORY, and then NEW RESIDENTS to register.